News in Plentzia
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Este sábado día 3 de diciembre se celebrará el día del euskera. Para ello se han organizado las siguientes actividades: 10:40 Recorrido cultural desde la oficina de turismo de Plentzia 11:30 Homenaje en la Plaza del puerto (Plentzia) 12:30 Homenaje junto al Gaztegune (Gorliz) 13:00 Triki kalejira desde la Plaza Ibarreta 15:00 Comida popular en […]
Check the activities we have organized for the 2016 European Heritage Days and book in the Tourist Office. October 8th 11:00. Guided visit in Euskera. October 15th 11:00. Guided visit in Spanish. October 15th 11:00. Francisco García Novell conference. October 22nd 11:00. Guided visit for families. Tourist Office openning hours: from tuesday […]
Next sunday, 21st august, the XXXII. edition of the “Villa de Plentzia” cheese competition will be held in the church square.
This weekend, from friday 12nd to monday 15th, a new edition of the Food truck market will be held at Plentzia. The event will bring a great opportinity for all the assistants to try the best street food.
This weekend the first edition of the Bohemia Market will be held in Plentzia. Events program:FRIDAY JULY 29TH:18.00 – Bohemia Market opening.18.30-20.30- Face painting for kids ( euskara)21.30- Karla Imbert, acoustic folk concert.SATURDAY JULY 30TH:11.00- Bohemia market opening.12.00- Flower mandalas for niñ@s.13.00- Story teller: “Printzesa Ausarta” (euskara)14.30- Market close.17.30 Market opening.19.30 Women of the world dance […]
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