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SAN NIKOLAS 2016 12:00 Ofrenda floral y aurresku (Barrenkale) 12:30 Juegos Infantiles (Barrenkale) 13:30 Lunch (Barrenkale) 17:00 Rápida de Mus 18:00 Euskal dantzen Alardea (Jai Alai) 20:00 Toro de fuego y Chocolatada (Plazatxoa) 20:30 Romería con Akerbeltz (Jai Alai)
Next sunday, 21st august, the XXXII. edition of the “Villa de Plentzia” cheese competition will be held in the church square.
This weekend, from friday 12nd to monday 15th, a new edition of the Food truck market will be held at Plentzia. The event will bring a great opportinity for all the assistants to try the best street food.
The summer agenda is available to check or download
Have a look or download the summer agenda on the following link. http://www.plentzia.org/eu-ES/Albisteak/Orrialdeak/20160708_PlentziakoJaiak2016.aspx
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